














Ayurveda ✺ Herbs ✺ Remedies ✺ Food ✺ Yoga ✺ Rituals ✺ Retreats ✺ Yoga ✺ Movement ✺ Herbs ✺ Retreats ✺ Movement ✺

Helping those who feel overwhelmed, burnt-out and stressed, reclaim their right to a balanced, vibrant life guided by Ayurveda principles, self-care practices, rituals, and the seasonal living.


Work with me - 4 month programme

Working 1:1 with a qualified Ayurveda practitioner who is invested in your health, is an empowering process. My 4 Month programme is the best choice if your are looking for personalised support that will keep you accountable.

Using traditional methods like tongue analysis and in-depth health assessments, we'll identify your unique mind-body type and assess your current imbalances.

You'll receive a comprehensive 3-stage treatment plan, with a tailored food sheet, seasonal recipes, achievable lifestyle recommendations, grounding rituals + recommended home remedies.

I will ensure you stay motivated with regular check-ins, progress reviews, and exclusive access to my online library of Ayurveda rituals, movement practices, guided meditations, lectures + learning resources to keep you inspired.



What is your Mind-Body Type?

Ayurveda tells us that we are given a mind-body type or constitution, Prakruti, at the time of our conception. This is a unique ratio of the energy types Vata Pitta and Kapha made of the 5 Elements - Ether, Air, Fire, Water + Earth.

Having an understanding of our Prakruti as well as our Vikruti - our current state of imbalance can help us to live in a more supportive and aligned way.

Take the quiz to find out your mind-body type and for a more in-depth investigation into your constitution, current imbalances and how to remedy them with a personalised step by step programme book a 1:1 Health Consultation

  • Sensory Organs: Skin + touch
    Function: governs all movement, breath, circulation,

    speech, nervous system, elimination of waste

    In balance: creative, vivacious, sociable, imaginative, energetic, vibrant

    Out of balance: forgetful, dramatic, loss of appetite, anxiety, painful menstruation, insomnia, dry skin and hair, poor circulation, cold, fatigued, spaced out, indecisive

  • Sensory Organs: Eyes - Sight
    Function: transformation, assimilation, sensory

    perception, digestion + metabolism, intellect

    In balance: Productive, assertive, leaders, inner peace, glowing complexion, strong digestion, radiant

    Out of balance: Jealousy, anger, sharp tongue, competitive, aggressive, workaholic, controlling, irritable bowel, acne, acidity, nightmares, sweats, hot flushes, critical, judgemental

  • Sensory Organs: Tongue + taste
    Function: structural integrity, body fluids, mass

    In balance: Grounded, loving, patient, self healing, great endurance, strong, givers

    Out of balance: Congestion, weight gain, allergies, swelling, highly emotional, respiratory disorders, low appetite, water retention, stagnation, unable to let go, grudges, depression, lethargy, heavy limbs

Rediscover your radiance.

  • Ayurveda Health Consultations

    Work with Charlotte to receive 1:1 support on your journey to enhance your health. Using food as medicine, herbs, self care rituals and Ayurveda remedies, you will become empowered with knowledge of how to live a balanced, vibrant life.

  • 3 Day Reset

    Launching September 2024

    This time tested Ancient method of Ayurvedic cleansing, can help to reset the body and mind.

    This 3 Day Reset is a gentle, supportive and nurturing programme carefully crafted by Charlotte giving you a chance to rest, reflect and reset.

  • Retreats

    Retreats are a chance to take time away from your daily responsibilities and pressures, and step back into your capacity to feel joy.

    Our retreats are a potent blend of rest, adventure and luxuriating practices to rejuvenate and reignite the soul.

Ayurveda, Soul + Sadhana

Retreat in Sri Lanka

A magical week in Southern Sri Lanka to enjoy slow, mindful island living, daily self care practices, Ayurveda rituals, Yoga and deep rest.

March 21st - 28th 2025

The Journal

3 Day Ayurvedic Mind + Body Reset

Coming soon

  • Charlotte is a qualified Ayurveda Diet + Lifestyle Consultant and practitioner on a mission to help those who feel overworked, burnt out and stressed, reclaim their right to a balanced, vibrant life.

    By applying ancient principles of Ayurveda and Yoga, using food and herbs as medicine, and sharing the power of rituals and daily practices Charlotte will help you navigate and remedy life’s challenges.

    She lives her own life prioritising simplicity and balance guided by the seasons, growing her own medicinal herbs, foraging with friends, spending time in nature, creating tinctures and potions and moving with intention.