Get outside everyday. It’s non-negotiable

Getting outside rain or shine is a tonic. We need to experience the elements to enliven and enrich our sense organs. Without engaging our eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch we are nothing. Our senses are the way we experience the five elements.

Ether - ears - sound

Air - skin - touch

Fire - eyes - sight

Water - tongue - taste

Earth - nose - smell

We need nature. We need natural living, moving elements for our health. As long as you wrap up warm and cover yourself sufficiently going outside when it’s windy, cold and raining can really make you feel amazing.

Have you ever gone for a walk bare foot after it’s rained?

Try it.

Let your feet sink into the soil. Hold your hand against the wind. Look at a tree and the leaves dancing. Close your eyes and listen to anything that grabs your attention and breathe it all in.


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