Optimal wake and sleep times..

What is the best time to wake and the best time to get to sleep according to Ayurveda?

Ayurveda it states that we should be awake as the sun rises and asleep as it’s sets. But let’s be realistic, this is not always possible in the modern world we live in. Some of us are self proclaimed night owls and other early birds, some people work night shifts whilst others wake up during the early hours to start work. But, what is most healthy and sustainable?

According to our unique constitutions there can be optimum timings for both waking and getting those 💤


  • Vata mind body types - ideally around 6.30am - they require the most sleep out of the three doshas

  • Pitta mind body types ideally before 6am - they require a moderate amount of sleep

  • Kapha mind body types around 5.30am - they need much less sleep than everyone else but are usually the one’s who love sleep the most


The optimal time to get to sleep for everyone is before 10pm before we kick start into Pitta time of night. This is when we can get a second wind, our digestive system kicks in, we become more alert and often get hungry again. We need to avoid this to get the best sleep possible. For more inforamtion on this- check out our post on the AYURVEDA CLOCK

Although it can be hard at the start to break our habits the body quickly adapts and you really noticed a huge change in the quality of how you feel when you wake. Often you feel more alert and with clarity rather than the sluggish body and muddy mind that can often plague the mornings.

So why not set the alarm for tomorrow and commit to adjusting your bedtime. If you are currently a night owl, start slowly. Begin by making your bedtime 15 minutes early per week. Gradually you will get to 10pm and your body will oblige rather than resist.

Let me know how you get on!


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