The Importance of Simplicity..

It’s important to go back to simplicity if you can.

Uncomplicated ingredients, well cooked foods, warm drinks. Prioritising rest when you can. Walk or cycle where possible. Refrain from buying new clothes where you can. Take a trip in the seaside or within the UK.

There is so much in our modern existence that demands our time, effort and energy that we are having to navigate unprecedented levels of stress and anxiety.

If you are in a privileged enough position then why not try using some excess time or resources to give back to community and greater causes than yourself. There’s is a huge amount of emphasis on ‘self love and self care’ and although this is important to a degree, it’s vital that we arn’t burying our heads and always prioritising ourselves when some energy can be spared for others.

Don’t spread yourself too thin- find one thing and contribute.

Empowerment is in action.


How to stop Hayfever from ruining your summer.


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