The best thing you can do for your HEALTH

Cooking for ourselves and others is one the greatest things we can do for our health.

The act of making, using our hands and activating our senses begins the digestive process. When we cook from scratch we have ownership of the ingredients that go into our food. It creates a deeper connection with what nourishes us and we can begin to understand what makes us feel good and what doesn’t.

When we have fast food or a takeaway this process of nurture and pre-digestive process is removed and so we do not set ourselves up to assimilate the food in the same way. A lot of this food, or foo that has been frozen, reheated, or leftovers is lacking in prana - it is essentially ‘dead food’ energetically. This is not to say we can’t ever have external foods, it’s all about balance after all, but the most important daily act is cooking for ourselves.

If you’ve already nailed that, the next step would be to use seasonal whole-foods, cooking simply with elements of the 6 tastes.

Read more about the 6 tastes here.

If you want to learn more about how to support yourself and discover recipes and remedies that will support your unique constitution why not book as 1:1 Ayurveda Health 101 with us!


The 6 Tastes


What is Ayurveda?