Understanding the ‘doshas’ Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural medicine, teaches that the human body is a microcosm of the universe. This means that the diversity we see in the world is mirrored within us, and vice versa. Central to this philosophy is the concept of the Tridoshas, which are bioenergetic forces that reflect cosmic forces in man.

The Tridoshas Explained

The three Tridoshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, each governing different physiological functions and elements of life:

  1. Vata: Composed of Ether and Air, Vata governs movement and communication.

  2. Pitta: Made up of Fire and Water, Pitta oversees metabolism and transformation.

  3. Kapha: Consisting of Earth and Water, Kapha provides structure and stability.

These doshas influence everything from our physical functions and stages of life to the seasons and even times of the day.

Prakruti and Vikruti

  • Prakruti: This is our unique constitution, determined at the moment of conception. It shapes our characteristics, how we process the world, our digestion, physical traits, and susceptibility to diseases.

  • Vikruti: This represents our current state of imbalance, influenced by diet, environment, climate, and life experiences. While our Prakruti remains constant, Vikruti is ever-changing.

It’s all about balance!

Balancing the doshas is crucial for maintaining health. When in harmony, they ensure optimal digestion (agni), nervous system function, tissue nourishment (dhatus), mental clarity, emotional health, elimination, and immunity (ojas). Understanding a person’s Vikruti helps Ayurvedic practitioners identify the root cause of diseases and create personalised treatment plans to restore balance and promote wellness.

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Ayurveda teaches that our health is deeply connected to the balance between our internal and external environments. By understanding and managing the doshas, we can maintain harmony and prevent disease. if you are keen to learn more book in a 1:1 consultation with us today


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