Write yourself a love letter.

Write a letter to yourself identifying all the things you wish for, how you wish to feel and the affirmations on how you will get there.

Affirmations are best written as a positive short statment beginning with:

I am….

I have…

..and make sure your are writing as if I has already happened.

It can be hard sometimes to remove ourselves from our own thoughts, from the whirlwind of our subjective thinking. We sometimes need to step back away from ourselves and find an objective view point devoid of projections and imagined scenarios that overcomplicate our wishes and desires.

Write a letter to yourself in the third person as a loving friend or mentor would, and see how gentle and nurturing the language becomes.

We are often our own biggest critics and can speak to ourselves in such unkind ways that we think we are undeserving or think that we cannot change situations. But at Manipura Ayurveda we are passionate about helping clients find their personal power to begin a new narrative and make the changes they deserve.

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Understanding the ‘doshas’ Vata, Pitta, Kapha


It’s in the small changes.