It’s in the small changes.

There is something deeply empowering about taking charge of our own health.

When we start to think about our food, our habits and lifestyle choices even the smallest of changes can make a huge impact on how we feel. This can be as little as replacing your cold drinks with warm water or using household herbs to support digestion to opting for an earlier bedtime, reducing screen time and dressing appropriately according to the weather.

Change doesn’t automatically mean cost, and often it is the smaller everyday habits that make the biggest impact.

The question is how do you feel? What can you do within the boundaries of what is available to you to feel good?

A good place to start:

1. Rise at the same time each day and go to bed before 10pm 🛌
2. Scrape your tongue every morning 👅
3. Start your day with warm water 💦
4. Eat at least 1 meal without any distractions 📱 ❌
5. Oil your body as often as possible 🍯

These practices are cheap, effective and take no time at all but will give you a brilliant entry into some key Ayurveda practices.

If you want more tailored support and are ready to look at ways you can integrate Ayurveda into your daily life get in touch.


Write yourself a love letter.


Reading your body’s SIGNS and SYMPTOMS