Reading your body’s SIGNS and SYMPTOMS

Enjoying good health is a long term balancing act. Life throws so many unexpected curveballs and challenges that we are constantly adapting and have to place our energy in different areas. If we fail to give back to ourselves in times of stress, or if we do not nourish the body with correct foods when we are busy we become depleted, stressed and notice our physical and emotional systems start to protest. High blood pressure, hair loss, dark circles under the eyes, fluctuations in weight, are all signs that we need to give back to the body and prioritise our health.

This body is a temporary vehicle for us to experience the world and as resilient, intelligent and brilliant as it is, there is only so much it can give before it starts to present with disorders. It is an organic, living system that requires love and attention, but so many of us behave in ways or find ourselves in situations or circumstances that place such enormous strain, the body is unable to cope without extra support or change.

There’s is so much talk about ‘self-care’ in this age of social media, but what do we mean? In Ayurveda it is essential that we read the signs from our body in order to keep well. Pushing the body too hard with exercise or not moving at all, restricted eating or consuming far too much or of the wrong foods, not keeping hydrated or drinking excessively, refusing to slow down, or constantly over committing to do more work. We have to find a balance between giving and taking from the body can all top the balance.

It is essential to honour and find time to celebrate this vehicle. Even if that means a hour of rest, switching off the alarm and taking time for the body to wake naturally, a luxuriating session of oil self massage and a hot shower or bath, a kitchari cleanse for a few days, having an alcohol free week, ditching refined sugars for a few days, or ensuing you get in a few days of rigorous cardio if you are otherwise sedentary. Make sure you take the holiday you are entitled to, and say no to commitments or overtime if you are burnt out. Health is wealth and it is so important to check in and prioritise your well-being whenever you can.


It’s in the small changes.


The 6 Tastes