How much water should I be drinking?

Water: the elixir of life or messing with our digestion?

As always Ayurveda reminds up that what we consume is all about when, why and for whom.

Water is not a one size fits all and cannot be standardised as much as modern opinion tries to. It really important to consider when you are drinking water and how.

The Ayurvedic approach says listen to your body. Drink when thirsty not guzzling, not just becuase the bottle of water is there, and not with meals. Shocking right!? This was a big lightbulb moment for me. We are a nation of food sensitivities, IBS, bloating, gas, sluggish metabolism, inconsistent toilet habits and a lot can be said for our mindless over consumption of water!

If we drink before we eat the digestive flame is weakened and so our body is not at its most efficient to digest food which causes a whole host of of problems.

It’s also worth considering what temperature your drinks are. No cold water or ice for the same reason. Sipping warm water, or if you are high pitta room temperature water is more suitable.

A simple change to your drinking habits could make all the difference to your gut health, bloating and indigestion.

If you are feeling unsatiated and chronically thirsty this is a sign of imbalance and could be worth booking yourself into a consultation! Get in touch today


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